24by7 Publishing team highly recommends going with the price suggested by them. But, the author has full independence to set the price of his/her choice.
In approximately 7 to 14 days, from the time we have the computer typed manuscript, your written (or email) approval for print and the verified payment with us. However, some of the distribution channels may take longer time, but the book will be available in our store within time, with guarantee.
Yes, the author has holds 100% film rights for her/his work. But you must notify us the detailed good news to spread socially. That is it. No commission.
There are no hidden fees or charges. If you want to expand the services covered by the package you have selected, we will send you the possible extra cost before you decide to start the processing with 24by7 Publishing.
24by7 Publishing accepts .doc, .docx, .pdf formats where .docx is the most preferred format. But, the manuscript must be put on top of the template provided by us.
Also, make sure to use general fonts to eliminate font related issues.
24by7 Publishing accepts manuscripts in .doc, .docx, .pdf formats where .docx is the most preferred format.
But, if the author provides the manuscript in any other popular format like HTML etc., we may charge you a conversion fee and convert the same to the accepted format. We cannot tell you the conversion fee upfront as our experts will quote you only after going through the actual manuscript and related conversion complexity.
24by7 Publishing almost always operates on a nonexclusive basis while dealing with the primary clients (Authors). That means you can simultaneously sell your book via some other platform while using our service to sell your book.
But, you must notify 24by7 Publishing via mail/email regarding the same.
Yes, definitely. But, you need to pay the new edition fee to update our database, master copy and also to update the applicable outlets/stores (online and or physical) with the new version.
This will include assignment of a new ISBN number too. In case of very minor change, please contact with us.
It completely depends on the book-reviewer whether or not to notify the author.
Though, the author may request notification in the cover letter to each reviewer.
Being very polite in the letter is the key of success, though, there is no guarantee.
No. But, you will get the 'author's discount' for extra copies you order directly from 24by7 Publishing. However, if you order copies from other outlets/stores like Amazon.in, etc, without a special discount, then you will earn regular royalty.
24by7Publishing.com accepts various payment methods including major credit & debit cards, EMI, Phone pay, Wallet pay, PayTM, JioPay, Paypal, wire transfer, mailing checks etc.
Please visit the Payments page for the details.
Yes, a bookstore or outlet can offer some discount on top of the MRP (maximum retail price) of the book. But that should not affect the royalty you will earn by default. But, if there is a discount offered by 24by7 Publishing store the royalty might get affected and we will take author's consent before doing so.
By default, we provide 24by7 Publishing’s logo and name in most of the books powered by us.
If the author is using the ISBN provided by 24by7 Publishing, using our logo will be mandatory. If the author chooses to use only his/her preferred logo, he/she needs to put his/her own unique and valid ISBN number and barcode for the book.
The authors may also have simultaneously both logos with our ISBN number for the same book.
Log in as a registered user or create your login profile (simple and takes less than one minute).
Add to the product to cart and keep proceeding by providing relevant information and accept the Terms & Conditions if you agree.
In the final page(Order History) click the ORDER REFERENCE link to show some extra portion of the page.
In the same order page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you can see Product column where the downloadable link with the book name is present.
Click the book link and you may download it or open.
Also, you will receive an email with the download link to the eBook.
Check out the screenshots for more help.
How to download ebook from 24by7 Publishing - Part 1
How to download ebook from 24by7 Publishing - Part 2
How to download ebook from 24by7 Publishing - Part 3
24by7 Publishing is capable of publishing books in any language. For the languages except English, Bengali & Hindi we must receive the manuscript in PDF format following the size and margin specifications provided by us including the embedded fonts.
We mainly support typing in English & Bengali. We also support Hindi, Tamil and few other languages based on availability of our resources. Please contact us before you proceed with languages other than English and Bengali. You may have the typesetting done by third-parties and send the manuscript to us in case of any other languages except English & Bengali.
No! Vanity presses take your money and various rights (copyright, movie right etc.), and give you very small return.
Before signing any contract with any publishing house, always make sure that you own copyright and movie right of your book and you have full creative control over your investments.
24by7 Publishing encourages to upload your manuscript from here.
You may also try the below video which will help you covering the basic manuscript upload steps.
Online. You may visit our office to have a cup of coffee, but that will need some appointment. Honestly, that will be the rarest case in last few years we worked.
If the package covers availability/sale through the selected store, the number of copies will be unlimited - stock will never end until the end of the promised period as mentioned in the corresponding package.
Yes. If the package covers international distribution via our partner channels, the books will be available at both physical stores and online. Go to our Buy Books page to get the detailed idea.
That is certainly a very valid question. If you approach the traditional way, you may have to wait for 6-8months to get selected. They even will not inform you in the case of rejection in most of the cases. Unless you are a celebrity or bestseller writer, the competition is TOUGH. Often writers with exceptional talent get rejected and disheartened in this process.
If a less famous or new writer is confident in his content, it can be a wise decision to be the Captain of his own ship. The authors get published with us in only 14 days, and no questions asked. On top of that, they recover investment by earning from profit sharing from the sales of the books.
"There ain't no such thing as a free lunch."
They do not care about how much copies are getting sold.
If you check the production cost per book you can see a huge difference. The way we design pricing, the chance is quite high that the author can recover investments within a short period of time.
Along with that, POD services like c*********e or p**** do not offer ISBN, availability in other popular platforms both nationally or internationally.
The best thing is, we also take care of helping the author to give the beat possibly try to push the book to be in limelight and increase the sales.
Let us take an example.
Free publishing house ABCD can get as many as 100 authors published in a few months, as they are free. They can set production cost of a book INR 140.00 where they earn INR 100.00 per sale to keep the revenue model alive. If they sell 1 books for each of the authors, they can earn 1*100*100 = INR 10,000.00 from 100 authors.
Now consider us, where the production cost for the same book is "honestly announced" as INR 45.00. Because the process of publishing is not free, say we are only covering 10 serious authors. Because of the payments made, the quality of the book becomes per International standard. Now to get the same amount of profit from the book sales, how many books are to be sold? Let us consider a profit of INR 5.00 per book. 10,000/5 = 2,000 books are to be sold. So, to earn the same amount of profit, we have to sell 2,000/10 = 200 books for each author.
Considering MRP is at least double of the production cost, the free publishing house ABCD will set the MRP at INR 280.00, and we may set as INR 90.00. Which book will have the chance of getting sold?
On top of that, quality matters. None of those free publishing companies will format and beautify your book interior and will help you to design the book cover as per latest standards. They work like a printer and print "As Is". That is why many of our authors express happiness with us after they had felt humiliated with those kinds of free book publishing process.
After all, you may print your word document from your home or office printer. Why would you pay someone unless they are providing you some expertise to let your word document transform into a book?
Our primary goal is to create excellent customer experience and become a respected brand. Profit is secondary. Feedbacks from customers like you may influence our business decision in long term. So feel free to bomb us with your logic and creativity and advise us! We are open to ideas and customer needs.
Also, we provide attractive goodies and rewards to the authors with unique ideas and suggestions.
It will depend upon your budget and requirement and the readiness of the manuscript. In the case of seasoned authors, we will suggest low-cost publishing packages as the base and add up some specific special services as they do not need much guidance.
But it is strongly recommended for the new authors to go ahead with some decent package covering core features to get timely professional helps to transform the word document into a full-fledged international identity for the author, a book with social credibility.
We assure to complete any kind of add-in special services like book formatting, editing, cover designing etc. within 7 to 14 days of payment after receive of the final author communication.
Frequent instruction changes or additional change request may keep increasing the cost and timeline. It is highly recommended to be crystal clear about your expectations and express the same to our team clearly, if possible with some example.
In case you are not a professional (95% cases) in that service sector, you can completely trust us. We will provide our best effort to come up with the industry standard solution.
Most of us work on weekends. After all, we work 24 by 7. But our editorial and creative team recharges their energy on the weekends.
It is strongly suggested to express your expectation about weekend editorial support so that we can arrange premium editorial support for you in the weekend. Those services need premium payment and advanced notice.
In general, we provide the service within 7-14 days of payment after receive of the final author communication.
In a case of faster delivery, we charge additional 10% of the actual service cost for each day of acceleration.
To answer this specific question, if the service is quoted as INR 1,000.00 for a 14-day delivery timeline, 4-day delivery will charge 14-4 = 10; 10*10% = 100%; 100% of additional payment, so the INR 1000.00 standard service may cost you INR 2000.00 in a case of 4-day premium delivery.
The same service may cost you INR 1,400.00 in a case of 10-day premium delivery, INR 2,200.00 for 2-day premium delivery.
We generally do not commit to premium deliveries targetted below-2-day timeline.
The SEO service we provide will ensure that your book name/author name details will be optimized so that the Search Engine giants like Google/Bing etc. can get your book/name in the search result in the 1st/2nd page.
We charge INR 19,999.00 for Premium SEO. The premium SEO covers press release etc. and the inclusion of your website launch as news in many international news websites. It includes a 5-day long of Facebook advertisement campaign too, to be advertised on Facebook and its peer network. This also includes optimization of the website text for a better result in Search Engines. Also, we will put a free one-year ad in publishindia.com which a new venture in our partner network.
The best part is, the Premium SEO service also includes a one-page website creation. We can provide you a one-page static website included in that price. But for multi-page (up to 5 pages) website with admin login etc. will charge extra as described in the Website Designing section of our website.
Basic SEO does not cover premium coverage and will cost INR 6,999.00. Basic SEO covers around 100+ backlinks in websites with high authority and optimization of the website text for a better result in Search Engines.
According to webopedia.com, "In search engine optimization (SEO) terminology a backlink is a hyperlink that links from a Web page, back to your own Web page or Web site. Also called an Inbound Link (IBL) these links are important in determining the popularity (or importance) of your Web site."
In the basic SEO too, yes, the chance is quite high to see your website URL in the first two pages, but the chance is always on a higher side in case of the Premium Package. And, thinking from the bookselling perspective, the PR can help a lot rather than bare links.
Premium SEO covers PR in the network of 500+ news websites etc. The news is a lot more powerful than "only links" so Premium SEO Package wins over Basic SEO Package.
Yes, in most cases the book name and author name can be found on the first page/first three results. In some cases, it stays on the first page. In the rarest possibility, it may appear on the second page but we have never encountered such scenario yet. But if the name of the book is something already SUPER HOT like "Aamir Khan" or "Bill Gates" etc. no guarantee of SEO boost in this price range.
SEO results should last for 3-6 months for sure. Generally, it should last forever unless someone had started a better campaign in future targeting same set of keywords.
Example: Google with "Hero by Ullas Das". We worked on the SEO of this book in 2014 and it still appears on the first page of Google, generally between 1st to fifth place.
Once the customer provides the Domain and relevant access and payment is confirmed for the website design along with the customer provided texts, images, links - it will take seven business days for standard delivery.
You can upgrade to fast web designing to reduce the standard 7-day term. In a case of faster delivery, we charge additional 10% of the actual service cost for each day of acceleration.
You can provide the text/image/video links. The basic design follows this kind of basic patterns mentioned in the Website Designing section in our website. For custom website design, we can come with custom quote only after getting your full requirements.
As per Wikipedia, "Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine's unpaid results—often referred to as "natural", "organic", or "earned" results."
The professionals will write up a press release available to the International Journalists and news websites mentioning your name, book name, the launching of your book website etc. The professional touch will ensure publication of the news on many websites around the world making you/your website popular by the search engines - providing them positive signals about your popularity.
By default expect to get it done within 1-4 days. For guaranteed delivery in lesser time, you may expedite the process with extra payment. In a case of faster delivery, we charge additional 10% of the actual service cost for each day of acceleration.
PR will certainly give a very good initial boost. It will increase popularity for sure. But an advertisement on FB and other platforms can boost the sales more.
Now, both are technically related if you consider overall impact analysis. If you see an advertisement for a book, do you jump and buy?
You may Google to know more and in that scenario, the PRs can help a lot. There can be companies falsely promising you exceptional results. But, to be honest, finally, the content is the King. If the book has very good content, it will be a winner in the long run.
We are always here to resolve any issue faced by our paid customers. You can crate a ticket here, by selecting the option "Customer Care - Create Ticket" and sending the details of the issue along with the package details and date of purchase, name of the book and the author etc. Or, you may email us to ccare@store.24by7publishing.com to raise a fresh ticket. Any other means of communications may delay the whole process.
The "Special Edition" or "Limited Copy Collectors' Edition" is a special edition of your book which we craft with one of our very best book cover designer.
The "Limited Copy Collectors' Edition" is another exclusive way for the authors to increase excitement level for the authprs' fan following.
The true fans would love to "collect" this limited copy special edition as a "collectors' edition".
24by7 Publishing independently chooses a special cover design with a "Limited Edition stamp" icon placed on the book cover. The book cover design for the special edition remains independent of the authpors' choice or suggestions and 24by7 Publishing explores its' creativity via this unique attempt.
Anyone including the authoer may place the order for this copy with payment and by default we do not provide any complimentary copies for the special edition.
It is the author's sole responsibiliy to kickstart the processing for the special edition by sharing author's signature (minimum resolution 300dpi) with us so that we can proceed with the Limited Copy Collectors' Edition.
The "Limited Copy Collectors' Edition" comes with only few of the high-end book publishing packages (please check the book publishing package details to know more). By default we keep the maximum available number for the special edition to 10.
Author may request us to increase the number to some finite and understandable limited number to be made available for the sale.
Please note, "Limited Copy Collectors' Edition" will be sold only from the 24by7 Publishing store. All the other technical specification like ISBN, Pricing, Royalty, Profit share etc. remains same with the "Limited Copy Collectors' Edition".
The book interior also remains same as the actual book.
Sample of the regular book cover as per the Authors' instructiosn: Sample of the "Limited Copy Collectors' Edition": Sample of the regular book cover as per the Authors' instructiosn: Sample of the "Limited Copy Collectors' Edition":
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