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At the end of the year, all the selected candidates/contestants from the above six contests will be nominated for 24by7 Publishing 2015 International Bengali Flash Fiction grand contest. All of the top selected Flash Fictions will be published by 24by7 Publishing as a book in 2015. That book will also include flash fictions from some of the most popular, talented and upcoming Bengali writers of our time.
Status: Get nomination by qualifying through the above six contests.
Winners: To be announced.
Don't forget to read the rules & regulations.
The competition is open to writers of any nationality writing in Bengali.
Word count should be within 200 to 500.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN THE CONTEST (“CONTEST”). Entry into this Contest constitutes your acceptance of the Official Rules & Regulations.
অণু-গল্প সাহিত্যের একটি বিশেষ ধারা । Sudden fiction, micro fiction, micro-story, short short, postcard fiction - এমন বহু ডাক নামে পরিচিত হলেও, ২০০০ সাল পর্যন্ত্য, অধুনা "Flash Fiction" নামে বিখ্যাত সাহিত্যের এই ধারাটি, "short short story" নামেই পরিচিত ছিল। চীনারা আবার খুব সহজ ভাবে একে বুঝিয়ে থাকেন - একটি সিগারেট শেষ হওয়ার আগেই পাঠক শেষ করে ফেলতে পারবেন একটি অণু-গল্প। ‘অণু’ শব্দের অর্থ ক্ষুদ্র । অর্থাৎ খুব স্বল্প পরিসরে লেখা গল্পকে অণু-গল্প বলা যেতে পারে । কিন্তু শুধু পরিধি দিয়ে কি সত্যি-ই মাপা যেতে পারে অণু গল্পের বিশালতা ? অণু গল্পের plot বা গল্প-ভাবনা একটা বড় গল্প হয়ে ওঠার সব রকম ক্ষমতা রাখবে। কিন্তু কোনমতেই তা যেন সারসংক্ষেপ না হয় । ক্ষুদ্র পরিসরে ছোট গল্পের সব রকম গুণ এতে থাকতে হবে । অণু গল্প আজকের দিনের T -২০ ম্যাচ, যেখানে সীমিত পরিসরে লেখক প্রমাণ করে দেবে তার ধক, চিনিয়ে দেবে কলমের ধার। একটা সার্থক অণু- গল্পকে একটি সার্থক কবিতার সাথেও অনেকে তুলনা করে । কত কম সময়ে লেখক পাঠকের মনে নিজের সৃষ্টির একটা ছাপ ফেলতে পারে, অণু-গল্প তারই চ্যালেঞ্জ ।
Flash Fiction (other names - short short story, sudden fiction, micro fiction, micro-story, short short, postcard fiction) is a special style of the fiction literature. The term "short short story" was the most common term until about 2000, when it was overtaken by "flash fiction". In China the style is frequently called a "smoke long" or "palm-sized" story, with the comparison being that the story should be finished before the reader could finish smoking a cigarette.Flash Fiction is the art of telling a story in a very short range of words. The theme/plot of a flash fiction should have all the ingredients within to become a good short story. But it should not just be the plot-summary. It should contain all the qualities of a short story - but in small scale. Flash fictions can be compared with T-20 matches where only the talented one proves themselves in the limited overs. Some may compare flash fiction to a successful poem . Flash fiction is a challenge for the authors to impress the readers within a limited time-frame.
Check below for the rules & regulations.
Subject : ক্রোধ / রাগ (Anger).
End date of submission: May 15, 2014
Status: Submission date expired.
Winners: To be announced on the date of the book release.
Follow this page and also follow us in Facebook to get updated.
Subject : কাম/রিরংসা (Lust).
End date of submission: December 15, 2018
Status: Open for submission.
Winners: To be announced.
Subject : To be announced.
End date of submission: To be announced.
Status: Closed for submission.
Winners: To be announced.
Subject : To be announced.
End date of submission: To be announced.
Status: Closed for submission.
Winners: To be announced.
Subject : To be announced.
End date of submission: To be announced.
Status: Closed for submission.
Winners: To be announced.
Subject : To be announced.
End date of submission: To be announced.
Status: Closed for submission.
Winners: To be announced.
Winners will be published on 24by7 Publishing website with photographs, a small biography, and creative content.
Winners will be provided INR 500.00 gift coupon for his book publishing from 24by7 Publishing.
Winners will be nominated for the grand competition at the end of the year.
Winners will be certified for the achievement.
Grand winners will be published in 24by7 Publishing website with photograph, small biography and creative content.
Grand winners will be provided INR 2500.00 gift coupon for his book publishing from 24by7 Publishing.
Grand winners will be certified for the achievement.
Grand winners' submissions will be published by 24by7 Publishing as a book in 2020 along with other selected submissions. That book will also include flash fictions from some of the most popular, talented and upcoming Bengali writers of our time.
24by7 Publishing is proudly announcing six International Bengali Flash Fiction contests till the year 2019. Contestants selected in those six different contests will be awarded accordingly. At the end of the year, all the selected candidates/contestants from those six contests will be nominated for 24by7 Publishing 2018 International Bengali Flash Fiction grand contest. All of the top selected Flash Fictions will be published by 24by7 Publishing as a book in 2019. That book will also include flash fictions from some of the most popular, talented and upcoming Bengali writers of our time.